
Happy Growing Up, Not Happy Growing Old!

I had a simply special day on 20th of February...

Well, I arrived at campus on 6.50 A.M. and some friends approached me. Desya loudly yelled "Happy birthday! Don't cut your hair!" hence I couldn't help laughing. She reminded me the way Miss Marnie demanded me not to cut my hair due to the curliness. Haha...

There was a little surprise on the first course because our lecturer asked everybody in the class to deliver some birthday wishes. Once again, she asked everybody which means all of my friends there...I was completely delighted actually. Moreover, when they told me not to give up easily. They also said that I should look for a guy as soon as possible. Okay, but apparently that's not simple. It's quite complicated to find a suitable guy here (in PBI).

On that day I didn't do anything special. I merely had lectures and finished on 4 P.M. thus went home. Honestly it was kinda boring and lonesome. I tried to enjoy the solitude feeling by having fun by myself or doing little things with my family.

The next day was worse. After doing physical exercises in Kartika Dewi with my parents, I suddenly felt dizzy and certainly limp. Unfortunately I had a fever. Instead of having a rest, I pushed myself to leave for Amplas because of my appointment with highschool friends. Thank God, I was strong enough even though my condition getting worse. Afterwards, I went home and seriously had a rest. Sigh...What a day!

Well, though I've been 19 I think my childishness hasn't really changed. I only hope I would not just growing old but also growing up so that my personality won't be lack of maturity any more...

Happy growing up!

P.S. Thanks for the birthday presents! I love the vest so much! And also the original CD of David Archuleta! (:

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